Behold, with this, I come to strengthen the organization for Eruvin, which was established by Rov Mordechai Paretzky to help the rabim with Eruv matters. There are many cities with Eruvin which were initially established properly, nevertheless there are things that happen and the Eruv becomes pasul. And also, it is important that the Eruv is initially made valid with the help of a group of experts in Eruv matters. And I know that their entire intent is l’shem shamayim, and that they want to help the rabim, and they specifically want to help those who don’t have a kosher Eruv and want to make a Eruv correctly. And we recognize that the Rabbi’s who are involved in this organization are hired Hashem, are shleimim, and are experts in the laws of Eruvin. And praised is their portion.
16th of Cheshvan, 5778, here in Toronto
Signed: R’ Shlomo Eliyahu Miller