The halachos of Eruvin, which are specific and detailed, are especially difficult as they apply to our cities. The responsibility of deciding these halachos is given over only to Rabbis that specialize in this area and are fit to render these decisions. As it is today there are many hundreds of Eruvin in cities, small and big, that it is impossible for the small amount of Rabbi’s [that specialize in Eruvin] to examine every detail of each city eruv from one shabbos to the next. A large eruv is a dangerous task- because if, heaven forbid, it will occur a small problem in one of the thousands of tzuras hapesachim, the entire eruv will be faulty, and hundreds and thousands of people will be mechalellel shabbos each and every shabbos, heaven have mercy on them. And regretfully, another problem exists, that many Eruvin in prominent Jewish communities have had pasul Eruvin because of a lack in technical aspects, and the checkers don’t have sufficient enough understanding to bring questions to the presiding Rabbi. Unfortunately, eruvin remain problematic for many years, Hashem have mercy on them.
To fix these problems and obstacles, there are young men who have a large challenge and have gotten shimush (experience) by wise people in the subject of Eruvin. They have accepted upon themselves the great burden and responsibility to fix [the] eruvin so that they will stay entact for many days and monitor the detailed oversight of each and every eruv, and to train and make others into experts to oversee each and every detail. And for this task they have set up an organization called “Vaad L’Inyanei Eruvin” which is a great improvement in a area that should be strengthened.
And note, that the intent of this organization is not to decide halacha, and not to insert their own [halachic] opinions on the core aspects of [how to] fix Eruvin. Their goal is only to oversee the checkers and strengthen the existing Eruvin to remove the problems and obstacles, to stop Shabbos desecration, Hashem have mercy. The responsibility of rendering halachic opinions is placed only on the presiding Rabbi (the Rov Hamachshir), and it is not the intent of this organization to get involved in this (rendering of halachic opinions) at all. And it is obvious that the good hearted [local leadership] need to choose an expert who is fit to render halachic rulings in the area of Eruvin.
And since, with Hashem’s help, this organization has a great challenge to fix Eruvin and also they know how to oversee on [Eruvin] to prevent them from becoming problematic, heaven forbid, it is proper for every city that has an Eruv to not approach the challenge on their own. Rather [cities] should utilize the organization that specializes in Eruvin to take responsibility to ensure that in truth that every detail of the Eruv is established according to the decision of the presiding rabbi. I conclude with a bracha that all who keep Shabbos properly should merit a large bracha and merit to obtain an inheritance without difficulty.
R’ Shmuel Kamenetsky