NEI makes new Eruv in Louisville
Read the full article here: Highlands Eruv erected, envelops future home of Orthodox community
Read the full article here: Highlands Eruv erected, envelops future home of Orthodox community
As Daf Yomi embarks on learning Masechta Eruvin, many new resources are available. There are new books, videos, apps, shiurim, and more- all focused on making learning Gemara Eruvin attainable for everyone. Many shiurim are available here
In July 2020, during the pandemic, R’ Gore was approached and helped get the Atlantic City Eruv up and running in three weeks, after being down for many months.
After a long battle, in January 2015 the Federal Appeals Court ruled that allowing for an Eruv was not a violation of the First Ammendment.
Rabbi Shlomo Francis and Rabbi Yonason Glenner visited Miami and gave their fascinating Powerpoint Presentation teaching all about the different areas of the Eruv. They gave five Shiurim in different Jewish communities in the greater Miami area, and they were well attended. The communities included Miami Beach, North Miami Beach, Boca Raton, East Boca Raton, and Hollywood.
After 7 years of legal controversy, in January 2006, the Tenafly Eruv Association was approved to erect an Eruv.