This is the sefer for those who are contemplating building an eruv, actually building an eruv,
checking an eruv, maintaining an eruv, and those who want to know how all of this is done.

Dr. Miller published the first edition of his Eruv Manual in 1982. He revised It in 2011 and
presents and explains the decisions Rabbi Moshe Heinemann made during the course of the
5.5-year struggle to build the Baltimore Eruv, 1975-1981. It carries the haskamos of Rabbi Heinemann, Rabbi Chaim Jachter, author of the RCA’s Guidelines for Creating and Maintaining a Kosher Eruv, and the series, Gray Matter, and Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer, author of The Contemporary Eruv: Eruvin in Modern Metropolitan Areas. Over 150 communities across North America have consulted and relied upon this sefer for the planning, construction and maintenance of their eruvin since 1982.

The sections of this sefer are entitled Relevant Halachos; Materials, Sources, Specifications,
and Costs, Eruv Administration, Construction Suggestions and Procedures, Effective Solutions
to Common Eruv Problems, Relevant Documents, and (130+) Stories from Baltimore’s Eruv odyssey.

Dr. Miller speaks on eruvin to yeshivos, kollelim, and shuls. Eruv Manual may be purchased
directly from him. Write to .

  1. Do you know how to obtain eruv insurance?
  2. Do you know Rav Moshe Feinstein’s opinion regarding the inclusion of a small stream
    or a cemetery within an eruv’s boundaries?
  3. How did Rav Moshe Feinstein respond when Rabbi Heinemann asked him about an
    eruv inspector washing dirty automobile tires in a body of water?
  4. What did Rav Aharon Kotler tell Rabbi Heinemann about the length of 10 tefachim?
  5. What might happen to a lechi’s alignment which relies on gud asik when a utility pole
    shifts slightly in the ground?
  6. Suppose one amah = 21.25”. How many square feet equal bais sa-sa-yim? How many
    square miles equal 12 mil x 12 mil (size of machaneh in midbar)?
  7. What does Rav Shlomo Kluger write in Siman 172 of Ha-Elef Lecha Shlomo.about
    “Kee-van sheh-hutra hutra?” What does the Shmiras Shabbos K’Chilchasa write about
    this in 17:25 footnote 100?
  8. What are the two opinions in the Rishonim regarding the definition of tail hamislakait?
    If you cannot answer these questions, you need the Eruv Manual!

Click here to read the first 30 stories from the book