Posts by Rabbi Baruch Gore

110 of 18 items

Collecting For An Eruv in Yerushalayim – R’ Ariel Greenberg

by Rabbi Baruch Gore

I was once involved in building a small local eruv for a small neighborhood in yerushalayim that wanted to invest in a better eruv for themselves. This is because topography of the neighborhood was perfect for an eruv as it already had 90% real walls. I helped to collect money and i went door to […]

ישועת ה’ כהרף עין & the CDC – Atlanta, GA – Rabbi Mordechai Paretzky, Eruv Builder

by Rabbi Baruch Gore

In many cities, the most time-consuming part of constructing a new eruv is obtaining necessary permissions from the local municipality. For practical reasons, safety, aesthetics and several other reasons, local officials discuss, propose, analyze and deliberate all aspects of the eruv plans for inordinate amounts of time.  So as we planned an expansion for the eruv […]

A Tunnel at Midnight – R’ Chaim Yadlovker, Eruv Builder

by Rabbi Baruch Gore

One of the Eruv team members spotted on a Thursday a tunnel for a stream that went under the eruv border. This eruv strived to have a top-notch eruv and this newly found tunnel may have been a problem according to many opinions. Late on that Thursday night our experienced checker and myself, the eruv […]

Eruv Basics

by Rabbi Baruch Gore

An Eruv (pronounced Ay-Roov) is a term used for the physical structure which joins multiple areas to make one large area called a R’shus HaYachid (private domain).   Once a R’shus HaYachid has been created, it is permissible (according to Jewish Law) to carry objects on Shabbat and Yom Kippur within the boundaries of the Eruv. The plural […]

Eruv Terminology

by Rabbi Baruch Gore

Thank you to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Berman for providing the National Eruv Initiative with Eruvin Terminology.   On the link below you will find a comprehensive list of Eruv terms that one should be familiar with, whether you are involved in the maintenance of an Eruv or learning about the Eruv. The terminology does not have […]