October 2023 – We had a long term construction project going right through the eruv border on a big road. We were told that no work was being done on utility poles. However, we did enhanced checking on that section as the construction was increasing. Eventually, they started replacing some of the utility poles 2 months before Rosh Hashana. Yom Kippur was on a weekday, when construction would be operating. Additionally, Rosh Hashana and Sukkos fell out on Shabbos, making the eruv very important to be reliable for this time period.
Even before this situation, we had considered moving the eruv border away from this road and even had a sponsor for the eruv re-route.
We decided we were going to do the construction about a month and a half before rosh hashana but when we actually were trying to do it, other things interfered (rain, truck problems, etc).
On a Wednesday 6 days before Rosh Hashana, we did a large portion of the Eruv re-route. The next day, Thursday, our checker reported that the string crossing the big road and construction site was gone, indicating that the Eruv was down. Replacing the Eruv components on the new utility pole and the string would be extremely difficult to do because of the construction and new traffic pattern on the road.
But we were close enough to finishing the Eruv re-route that we were able to finish the re-route before that Shabbos. Hashem orchestrated it that the eruv was not down for even one shabbos, and we had a reliable eruv for the Tishrei season.